Older ClipsReel Buyers


What Happens to Older ClipsReel Buyers?

Older ClipsReel or ClipsReel Legacy will continue to be supported and work just as sold.Legacy users can purchase the new ClipsReel 2023 using a special $10 discount on Premium and $100 discount on Bundle using special coupon code that they can find inside their Legacy ClipsReel dashboard at https://clips.reelapps.ioWhat’s the difference between Older ClipsReel & ClipsReel 2023?Older ClipsReel or ClipsReel Legacy converts URL into animated slideshow videos.The new ClipsReel AI 2023 convert URL, articles, e-Commerce pages or any website into a social media video script, storyboard and then an animated video with your own face added to the video as a talking-head generated by AI to add a human-touch to the video and helps you create videos for social media, marketing and for clients. This is the primary difference other than faster rendering, better content scraping, support for all websites and URLs, AI script generation, AI storyboarding and bunch more.https://toddsuggests.com/craibundle

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